It's cold and wet here - all day. We've been bowling this morning, and nothing else to do but snuggle in for the rest of the day. Still got my ironing done.
How about some stuff I've done for this month's DT at AllyScraps

I love Lolli in this red jacket - it really suits and makes her look very cute. The gorgeous Noteworthy collection from Making Memories is even more lovely IRL.

Lauren was so excited to start at school in September. She had to wait a whole 2 weeks after Jacob went back - she was so impatient. She still has some days where she doesn't want to go but on the whole she loves it.

Lastly, Sharon our American friend and her family are going back to the States (boo hoo). She is so lovely, good fun, kind, and very easy to get on with. Afternoon tea at mine on Friday with all the girls from school. Marion had come up with a wonderful idea of a photo album which everyone could write their messages. I of course, had to do a scrapbook page. I'm sure Marion could be a secret scrapper.
Ps. did you see the lovely birdies in those pictures. Just wait till I get a sunny day so you can see some more...
I am totally loving your blog! Fantastic work! I will be looking to you for inspiration for sure!!!