I think someone needs to tell the weatherman that it's summer now. That should mean sunshine shouldn't it? It did when I was a kid at least. Heavy downpours of rain is probably going to be what summer means from now on (see global warming).
Let me see, I have had a wonderful time over at AllyScraps this week because it was the BOM prompt today. We have a new prompt every 2 weeks and this week's was supplied by Susan.
Write a letter to your younger self. How cool is that?
It gave me a great opportunity to scrap an old photo and play around with some vintage bits and pieces.
I tucked my letter away underneath the ribbon (mainly because I couldn't get it on my page).
How much fun will it be in years to come to find a letter hidden away?!
Here's my letter
Hello You!
Who’d of thought that we’d get to 42 so quickly! Life really did fly by much faster than I imagined possible –just like Mum said.
What can I say? You have a wonderful life ahead of you – filled with exciting experiences. But there are some things you should know.
You really don’t have a good opinion of yourself. You are a good person, very loyal and sincere. The qualities make you someone who should appreciate yourself for who you are. Don’t look for the approval of others. Don’t worry about what they think. You are unique and that’s a good thing.
It will take far too long to be happy with what you have. Yes, it made you work harder but don’t take so long – eh??!
Think about settling down a little sooner may be. Careers aren’t everything – that way you may enjoy your children and even grand-children.
Have a great life – I know you will. (By the way – it’s OK to leave food on you plate – you can’t save Africa on your own).
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